Be a part of the Bears & Blankets fun & fabulous Runway Show!
for The 2014 Bear~Strut
Spring Runway Competition

The Challenge: To Bring Awareness to Believe, Faith and Hope, our mascot teddy bears, and our efforts to fight Cancer, Poverty and Alzheimer’s….
So. . . Bring a bear, wear a bear, design a bear, dress a bear, do a bear dance, have a bear parade, be a bear as part of your design to honor the families that Bears and Blankets Fund supports.
Judging Criteria: Adherance to theme, Creativity, Inspiring Design, Fun Design, and Runway Performance, so don’t forget to Strut Your Fluff down the runway!
Bears and Blankets Design Competition
Rules and Regulations/Frequently asked Questions
There are no budget restrictions with regard to the design materials for the competition.
There is no limit to the number of members of a design team for each contestant registration (the team leader will be responsible for distributing the prize money, should the team win, amongst the team members).
You must be present at the Make Believe Ball to be eligible to win, as judging will take place at the runway event. All entries must Strut Their Fluff at the runway show to be eligible to win.
One design per ticket to the Make Believe Ball.
The maximum size of a design entry cannot exceed 6’-6” in height or 3’-0” (ie parts of your design must be within these sizes, and then the design can be assembled on site, if larger).
Please bring a copy of your entry form, filled out, to the Make Believe Ball.
Contestants can utilize other design elements including a blanket, but a blanket is not required.
If you find you cannot complete the design after registering, please contact dierdre@bearsandblankets.org by April 5, 2014. Entry fees cannot be refunded.
Reference to violence, nudity of any kind or designs that are distasteful or offensive will be disqualified.
All design submissions entered become the property of the Bears & Blankets Committee and may be auctioned, sold, utilized at the Hospital, etc. All contestants give the right and permission to use, reuse, distribute, transmit, publish, republish a copy, for any purpose whatsoever, without restriction, photographs of themselves and their designs. Each contestant shall release Bears & Blankets and Children’s Hospital of Colorado and the photographers and their assistants from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the photographs.
All rules and regulations are enforced at the discretion of the Bears & Blankets Committee and they reserve the right to disqualify any contestant(s).
Judging Criteria: Adherence to the Theme
Inspiring design
Fun design
Runway Performance
First Place: $250
Second Place: $150
Third Place: $100
Best Runway Performance $100
to complete your Runway Competition Registration Form
and buy your ticket!